Our Mission
The idea is to offer small investors the same unfair advantage that hedge funds have. Conduct due diligence using high-quality data and algorithms that we've developed for you.
What we offer
Did you know 95% of all small investors are losing money in the long-term?
Stocknear steps in to address the challenges in a landscape dominated by slimy despicable scammers and risky get-rich-quick schemes. We support small investors, like yourself, to conduct due diligence through an extensive array of data sources. These include fundamental data such as income statements, balance sheets, and cashflow ratios, along with insights from US Senate trading data, dividends, hedge fund portfolios, latest news, earnings transcripts, statistical models for future prices, and more to be added in the future. Take control of your investments, make informed decisions, and execute profitable trades by leveraging our comprehensive data presented with the best UI.
Why choose us

You don't have to. There are tons of other website that provide similar services and that's ok.

As a physicist, I prioritize transparency and rigorous analysis. During my PhD in theoretical particle physics, I developed models to describe New Physics effects beyond our current knowledge of the universe, as shown by my publication record here.
Unlike most financial websites run by programmers, I combine my programming skills with a scientific approach.

If you find value in stocknear's approach to tackling stock analysis tasks, that's great. If not, I wish you all the best on your trading journey and maybe we will see us again in the future.

Dr. Muslem Rahimi

Chief of Nothing
During my PhD in physics, I was developing models to describe New Physics. Now I'm developing a stock analysis platform to help small investors.