A stock analysis platform by the users, for the users.
Our mission is to create the first large-scale stock analysis platform in which the platform's interests are aligned with those of the user—a platform founded on ethical design principles. At the heart of these principles is the concept of complete transparency, which is why the entire codebase is open source.
No ads. No tracking.
Stocknear has no ads or affiliate marketing, or tracking. Your attention and data are never monetized. If you're skeptical, just look at our code here.
No Dark Patterns
On Stocknear, you won't encounter intrusive pop-ups prompting you to sign up unless it's essential for accessing all platform features. We don't manipulate you into using our platform more than you want to. If you wish to cancel your subscription, there's no survey to fill out; you can cancel it in just 2 seconds.
What we offer
We provide retail traders with high-quality, accurate data that is only available to hedge funds and institutional investors. By bridging the gap between Wall Street and Retail Traders, we enhance your stock analysis with a wide range of data sources. Take control of your investments, make informed decisions, and execute profitable trades using our comprehensive data presented in an intuitive UI.
Why choose us

We love data and want to understand what drives the stock market. We collaborate with top data vendors to provide clear and actionable insights, giving you a competitive advantage over other traders.

As a physicist, I prioritize transparency and rigorous analysis. During my PhD in theoretical particle physics, I developed models to describe New Physics effects beyond our current knowledge of the universe, as shown by my publication record here.
Unlike most financial websites run by programmers, I combine my programming skills with a scientific approach.

If you find value in stocknear's approach to tackling stock analysis tasks, that's great. If not, I wish you all the best on your trading journey and maybe we will see us again in the future.

Dr. Muslem Rahimi

Chief of Nothing
During my PhD in physics, I was developing models to describe New Physics. Now I'm developing a stock analysis platform to help small investors.