Top Strong Buy Stocks
Strong Buy stocks by top-rated analysts with a star rating of 4 or above, known for their exceptional accuracy and returns. Stocks are ranked based on the volume of analyst ratings.
Rank | Symbol | Name | Top Analyst Count | Top Analyst PT Upside | Top Analyst Price Target | Top Analyst Rating | Market Cap |
50 | Onto Innovation... | 2 | +25.85% | 272.5 | Strong Buy | 10.69B | |
49 | D-Wave Quantum ... | 2 | +71.89% | 9 | Strong Buy | 1.63B | |
48 | Ichor Holdings,... | 2 | +29.95% | 40 | Strong Buy | 1.04B | |
47 | Silicon Motion ... | 2 | +98.38% | 103 | Strong Buy | 1.74B | |
46 | Ambarella, Inc. | 2 | +17.56% | 95 | Strong Buy | 3.37B | |
45 | FormFactor, Inc... | 2 | +54.17% | 67 | Strong Buy | 3.37B |
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Analyst Star Rankings
Our analyst star rankings are based on these four factors
- Success Rate
- The percentage of ratings that are profitable.
- Average Return
- The average percentage return within one year of the rating.
- Rating Count
- The more ratings the analyst has provided, the higher the score.
- Recency
- Ratings provided within the past year contribute to a higher score.