ETF Providers
Capital Group has 6 ETFs listed with a total of 29.33B
in assets under management. The funds have an average expense ratio of 0.40%.
Listed Funds
Total Assets
Average Cost
Symbol | Name | Price | Change | Total Assets | Holdings | Expense Ratio |
Capital Group Divide... | 37.31 | -0.04% | 9.35B | 58 | 0.33% | |
Capital Group Growth... | 39.27 | -0.97% | 6.44B | 110 | 0.39% | |
Capital Group Core P... | 22.36 | +0.20% | 3.95B | 1230 | 0.34% | |
Capital Group Global... | 30.55 | -0.21% | 3.83B | 99 | 0.47% | |
Capital Group Core E... | 36.16 | -0.54% | 3.08B | 74 | 0.33% | |
Capital Group Intern... | 26.22 | +0.15% | 2.68B | 81 | 0.54% |
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