McCormick & (MKC-V)
At close: undefined

McCormick & Revenue Breakdown

Quarter Aug 31, 2024May 31, 2024Feb 29, 2024May 31, 2023Feb 28, 2023Aug 31, 2022May 31, 2022Feb 28, 2022Nov 30, 2021Aug 31, 2021May 31, 2021
Consumer Revenue 937.40M 904.50M 921.50M 912.10M 909.50M 927.90M 866.10M 926.10M 2.07B 921.90M 945.20M
Consumer Revenue Growth +3.64% -1.84% +1.03% +0.29% -1.98% +7.14% -6.48% -55.27% +124.58% -2.47% n/a
Flavor Solutions Revenue 742.40M 738.70M 681.20M 747.10M 656.00M 667.70M 670.70M 596.30M 1.14B 627.50M 611.50M
Flavor Solutions Revenue Growth +0.50% +8.44% -8.82% +13.89% -1.75% -0.45% +12.48% -47.76% +81.90% +2.62% n/a

Revenue by Geography

Quarter Nov 30, 2023Nov 30, 2022Nov 30, 2021
Americas Revenue 4.76B 4.55B 4.40B
Americas Revenue Growth +4.51% +3.54% n/a
Asia Pacific Revenue 692.50M 682.40M 730.50M
Asia Pacific Revenue Growth +1.48% -6.58% n/a
Europe Middle East And Africa Revenue 1.21B 1.12B 1.19B
Europe Middle East And Africa Revenue Growth +8.63% -6.29% n/a