RFIL RF Industrie...


RF Industries Ltd. had 321 employees on Jan 29, 2024. The number of employees decreased by -23 or -6.69% compared to the previous year.

Employees History

Date Employees Change Growth
Jan 29, 2024 321 -23 -7.17%
Jan 24, 2023 344 44 +12.79%
Jan 14, 2022 300 29 +9.67%
Dec 29, 2020 271 -10 -3.69%
Dec 20, 2019 281 95 +33.81%
Dec 20, 2018 186 -9 -4.84%
Jan 24, 2018 195 6 +3.08%
Jan 27, 2017 189 -37 -19.58%
Jan 28, 2016 226 83 +36.73%
Jan 29, 2015 143 -2 -1.40%
Jan 17, 2014 145 -33 -22.76%
Jan 22, 2013 178 12 +6.74%
Jan 27, 2012 166 56 +33.73%
Jan 12, 2011 110 23 +20.91%
Jan 29, 2010 87 -7 -8.05%
Jan 29, 2009 94 0 0.00%