ACRES Commercial Realty C...

0.53 (2.64%)
At close: Mar 04, 2025, 3:16 PM

ACRES Commercial Realty Forecast

Stock Price Forecast

The 2 analysts with 12-month price forecasts for ACR stock have an median target of 17.5, with a low estimate of 17.5 and a high estimate of 17.5. The median target predicts a decrease of -15.13% from the current stock price of 20.62.

Target Low Average Median High
Price $17.5 $17.5 $17.5 $17.5
Change -15.13% -15.13% -15.13% -15.13%

AI Analyst Report

According to 2 stock analyst, the rating for ACRES Commercial Realty Corp. is "Hold". This means that the analyst believes this stock is likely to lead to similar returns than market as a whole.

Rating Apr 24Sep 24Oct 24
Strong Buy 000
Buy 110
Hold 002
Sell 000
Strong Sell 000
Total 1 1 2

Financial Forecast this Year

Revenue This Year
from 80.23M
Increased by 4.7%
Revenue Next Year
from 83.98M
Increased by -1.5%
EPS This Year
from 0.35
Increased by 288.6%
EPS Next Year
from 1.36
Increased by 37.5%