REV Group Inc. (REVG)
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After-hours Jan 06, 2025, 07:00 PM EST

REV Group Inc. Revenue Breakdown

Quarter Oct 31, 2024Jul 31, 2024Apr 30, 2024Jan 31, 2024
Recreational Vehicles Revenue 158.10M 147.40M 179.70M 169.40M
Recreational Vehicles Revenue Growth +7.26% -17.97% +6.08% n/a
Specialty Vehicles Revenue 439.70M 432.10M 437.40M 417.20M
Specialty Vehicles Revenue Growth +1.76% -1.21% +4.84% n/a

Revenue by Geography

Quarter Oct 31, 2024Oct 31, 2023Oct 31, 2018Oct 31, 2017
North America Revenue 2.36B 24.30M 400.00K 20.46M
North America Revenue Growth +9625.93% +5975.00% -98.05% n/a
Rest Of World Revenue 16.80M n/a n/a n/a
Rest Of World Revenue Growth n/a n/a n/a n/a

Operating Expense Breakdown

Quarter Oct 31, 2024Jul 31, 2024Apr 30, 2024Jan 31, 2024Oct 31, 2023Jul 31, 2023Apr 30, 2023Jan 31, 2023Oct 31, 2022Jul 31, 2022Apr 30, 2022Jan 31, 2022Oct 31, 2021Jul 31, 2021Apr 30, 2021Jan 31, 2021Oct 31, 2020Jul 31, 2020Apr 30, 2020Jan 31, 2020Oct 31, 2019Jul 31, 2019Apr 30, 2019Jan 31, 2019Oct 31, 2018Jul 31, 2018Apr 30, 2018Jan 31, 2018Oct 31, 2017Jul 29, 2017Apr 29, 2017Jan 28, 2017Oct 31, 2016Jul 31, 2016Apr 30, 2016Jan 31, 2016Oct 31, 2015Jul 31, 2015
Selling, General, and Administrative Revenue 40.60M 42.60M 48.70M 55.40M 49.80M 52.60M 51.20M 66.90M 45.70M 46.10M 50.50M 47.60M 47.90M 45.20M 48.70M 47.10M 47.20M 53.50M 54.90M 46.30M 54.00M 48.90M 48.60M 47.80M 49.50M 43.50M 48.70M 41.03M 48.58M 40.58M 42.60M 56.50M 41.87M 35.48M 35.31M 27.11M 26.88M 24.58M
Selling, General, and Administrative Revenue Growth -4.69% -12.53% -12.09% +11.24% -5.32% +2.73% -23.47% +46.39% -0.87% -8.71% +6.09% -0.63% +5.97% -7.19% +3.40% -0.21% -11.78% -2.55% +18.57% -14.26% +10.43% +0.62% +1.67% -3.43% +13.79% -10.68% +18.69% -15.53% +19.72% -4.76% -24.59% +34.94% +18.01% +0.47% +30.28% +0.84% +9.34% n/a
Research and Development Revenue n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.20M 1.30M 1.30M 900.00K 1.20M 900.00K 800.00K 1.20M 1.00M 600.00K 1.50M 1.30M 1.40M 1.70M 1.50M 1.20M 1.10M 1.20M 1.20M 1.30M 1.60M 1.60M 1.50M 1.73M 859.00K 1.20M 963.00K 1.20M 1.05M 1.33M 1.29M 1.14M 362.00K 1.49M
Research and Development Revenue Growth n/a n/a n/a -100.00% -7.69% n/a +44.44% -25.00% +33.33% +12.50% -33.33% +20.00% +66.67% -60.00% +15.38% -7.14% -17.65% +13.33% +25.00% +9.09% -8.33% n/a -7.69% -18.75% n/a +6.67% -13.34% +101.51% -28.36% +24.51% -19.62% +13.88% -20.90% +2.78% +13.61% +214.64% -75.62% n/a