Viatris Inc. (VTRS)
AI Score
Our AI model analyzes fundamental, technical, and statistical indicators
to predict the probability of a bullish trend over the next three months.
We regularly update and refine our models to deliver the most reliable forecasts
for you.
Bullish Probability | Sentiment | Score |
+80% | Strong Buy | 10 |
+75% | Buy | 9 |
+70% | Buy | 8 |
+60% | Buy | 7 |
+50% | Hold | 6 |
+45% | Hold | 5 |
+40% | Hold | 4 |
+35% | Sell | 3 |
+30% | Sell | 2 |
+20% | Strong Sell | 1 |
0.13 (1.19%)
At close: Feb 20, 2025, 3:59 PM
After-hours: Feb 20, 2025, 05:07 PM EST
Historical VTRS Data
Date | % Change | P/C | Volume | C Volume | P Volume | Total OI | OI Change | % OI Change | C Prem | P Prem |
02/19/25 | +1.20% | 0.36 | 814 | 597 | 217 | 59.02K | +1,363 | +2.36% | 43.92K | 5.52K |
02/18/25 | +0.74% | 0.12 | 2,061 | 1,848 | 213 | 57.66K | -1,143 | -1.94% | 205.43K | 23.58K |
02/14/25 | -0.74% | 2.82 | 3,430 | 897 | 2,533 | 58.80K | -1,377 | -2.29% | 48.54K | 86.62K |
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