Wells Fargo &

0.60 (0.76%)
At close: Feb 11, 2025, 3:59 PM
After-hours Feb 11, 2025, 07:00 PM EST
Call Volume 6.46K
Call Premium 970.52K
Premium 1.39M
Call Open Interest 136.20K
Implied Volatility (IV) 0.3
Total Open Interest 138.54K
Net Premium 192.38K
Put Volume 764
Put Premium 416.57K
P/C Ratio 0.12
Put Open Interest 2.34K
IV Rank 22.22
🐻/🐂 Prem
(Net Call x Net Put) Prem -198.52K x -390.89K

Historical WFC Data

Date % Change P/C Volume C Volume P Volume Total OI OI Change % OI Change C Prem P Prem
02/11/2025 +1.10% 0.48 30,446 20,531 9,915 943.22K +16,664 +1.80% 9.69M 1.82M
02/10/2025 -1.69% 0.74 50,310 28,893 21,417 926.55K -20,293 -2.14% 6.54M 3.36M
02/07/2025 -0.74% 0.34 40,314 30,190 10,124 946.84K -44,382 -4.48% 8.73M 1.05M

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