Fabrinet (FN)
At close: undefined
After-hours Dec 27, 2024, 04:10 PM EST
1 Year of options activity involving Fabrinet by major institutional traders and hedge funds.
No Options activity found

Daily Gamma Exposure (GEX)

Historical Option Data

Date % Change P/C Bear/Bull Bid/Ask Vol % OTM Total Volume Total OI Total Prem
12/20/2024 +1.54% 0.0
100% Bullish
100% Ask
100% 60 70 64.80K
12/16/2024 -3.83% 0.0
50% Bullish
66% Bid
100% 47 36 120.15K
12/09/2024 -1.91% 0.0
100% Neutral
100% Bid
100% 100 205 64.50K

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